The "warrants," delivered to police during a demonstration outside an insurance industry meeting at a Washington hotel, were an attempt to dramatize protestors' call for insurance reform ? and to build public support for the Democrats' ...
By Susie Madrak. I really hope they manage to get a handle on this filibuster rule, because 2011 isn't going to be a very productive year if they don't: A proposal by Tom Udall would grant the Senate majority party the option of changing any procedural ..... Deja Vu All Over Again. Ireland Takes The Hit For Bankers' Reckless Policies While Citizens Face Massive Austerity Cuts. Fri, 11/26/2010 - 14:00. Palin rips Obama for not using 'all this vacation time' to visit ANWR ...
From fisheries to vacation/resort destinations to tourism at every level, how may people do you suppose were NOT hired this Summer in hotels, restaurants, recreation centers in the states bordering the Gulf AND in states through which tourist typically travel to get to those Gulf destinations (and eat, recreate and lodge along the way)? 100000? 200000? More? ... Beltway Bozos: FDR's New Deal Made Great Depression Worse. By: Susie Madrak On Sun, 12/28/2008 - 12:00 ...